Pärast arutlesime, millest laul jutustab. Selgus, et laul räägib sellest, et koletisi pole olemas ja neid pole vaja karta =)
Aga siis näitas õpetaja videot "Monster facts" (kuni 2.20), mis kummutas eelmise väite =)
Rääkisime Śotimaal Loch Nessi järves elavast koletisest:
Seejärel tegime kuulamisülesannet "Monsters". Õpetaja kirjeldas koletisi ja lapsed pidid ära arvama, kellest on pildil juttu.
Listening task:
* Monster Zog has got three legs, three big feet and nine toes. He has got one big green eye and two teeth.
* Monster Zug is very ugly (inetu). He is blue and hairy. He has got five ears, three yellow eyes and a big nose.
* Little Zeg has got brown hair. She has got one leg and only one tooth. Her eyes are dark blue. She has got twelve fingers.
* Monster Zag has got a green body and eight red eyes. She has got four hands and two legs.
* Monster Zig has got five legs and three orange eyes. He has got an orange tail, too.
Seejärel tegime töövihikus toredat harjutust, kus teksti põhjal tuli joonistada koletis. Pildid tulid välja sellised:
Nüüd jagunesime paaridesse ja iga paar loosis pulkadega endale koletise pildi, mille järgi hakkasid paarilised koostama jutukest. Jutukest kirjutades saime üle korrata kehaosade nimetused ja õpitud keelereeglid. Õpetajale tegi heameelt see, et lapsed kasutasid oma jutukestes sõnavara, mida me polnud veel õppinudki =)
The monster´s name is Funny. He is cute, soft and hairy. His left eye is big. He has got two eyes and two hands. He has no teeth and legs. He can fly but he can´t walk.
The monster´s name is Maikevasovski. He is green. He has got one eye. His horns are little. He has got six toes, two arms and three teeth. He can help other monsters. He can´t frighten the people.
The monster´s name is Creeper. He is green. He has got five eyes. He has got four short legs. He has got a big mouth. He can frighten the people. He can´t run.
The monster Puglu is yellow. He is big and funny. He has got big fingers and a big mouth. He can do everything. He doesn´t have a nose and a head. He is happy. He lives in Estonia =)
The monster´s name is Kollanokk. He is happy. He has got big eyes. He has got big legs. He has got horns. He has got small hands. He has got a yellow body.
The monster´s name is Nublu. He is green, yellow and orange. His eyes are big. He has got a big brother. He can dance. He has got a big family.
Monster Omega is pink. His legs are big. He has got one big eye. He can run, jump, walk, swim and skateboard. He is really cool. He lives in Estonia =)
Monster Mistakes is purple. He has got two teeth. He has got two little ears. He can jump. He has got sunspots. He has no nose.
Monster Jeff is small. His body is green. He has got three eyes. He can run and jump. He has got yellow teeth. He is lovely.
Nüüd vaatasime multifilmi "Little Toot and the Loch Ness" (alusta vaatamist 0.50)